UPDATE: The Great American Outdoors Act was overwhelmingly approved by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and signed into law on August 4, 2020!
The Great American Outdoors Act is a major advancement for the conservation of land, water and wildlife resources.
It has two key components:
- It provides for full annual funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund of $900 million a year. This funding comes from royalties collected from offshore oil and gas leases. The Land and Water Conservation Fund, which was permanently reauthorized in 2019, is America's primary program for conserving new lands for our national parks, national forests, national wildlife refuges; and it also provides grants for state and local parks.
- It provides $1.9 billion a year, for five years, to address the huge backlog in needed repairs and maintenance for trails, campgrounds, and other facilities at our national parks and other federal outdoor lands.
The Land and Water Conservation Fund Coalition has fact sheets and other information on the Great American Outdoors Act.
Take Action
On June 17, 2020 the U.S. Senate passed the Great American Outdoors Act by a vote of 73 to 25 with strong bipartisan support. A companion bill in the U.S. House - H.R. 7092 -- is awaiting action in several House committees -- Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Budget.
Please contact your U.S. representative and ask them to support H.R. 7092. It now has 188 cosponsors including Rep. Carson and Rep. Walorski. Find your member of Congress.