Contact your state legislators today!

The Indiana Conservation Alliance is supporting increased line item appropriations in the 2019-2021 state budget bill, HB 1001.  This increased state investment in our natural resources includes:

  • $20 million for two years for the President Benjamin Harrison Conservation Trust -- the Indiana DNR's leading land and water conservation program
  • $16 million for two years for the State Wildlife Action Plan -- Indiana's strategy for protecting our native wildlife "in greatest conservation need".
  • At least $50 million in deferred maintenance funding to repair and upgrade buildings, trails, picnic shelters and other facilities at Indiana's state parks, state forests, fish and wildlife areas, and nature preserves.   The House-passed budget bill already contains a $150 million appropriation for deferred maintenance at all state properties.

Read our latest fact sheet for more information and how you can take action.


Adult Bobcat walks through the woodlands

Please act today -- the 2019 session of the Indiana General Assembly will end by April 26th!